Use "things are not always what they seem|thing be not always what they seem" in a sentence

1. People aren't always what they seem to be.

2. Things are seldom what they seem. 

3. 22 Ratter up! Things are not so bad as they seem.

4. 18 Cheer up! Things are not so bad as they seem.

5. They always seem to want a little bit more.

6. They seem to know what they're doing.

7. But they always responded peacefully, which was not what I expected.

8. They seem to feel that a Britisher is beyond breaking the law, and always stands up for what is right.

9. They do not seem to relish this.

10. What things look like or seem to be rather than what they actually are: He was a far more complicated man than outward Appearances suggested

11. The children always seem to be hungry.

12. Floaters may seem to be alive, since they move and change shape, but they are not alive.

13. They were dazed but did not seem to be badly hurt.

14. Friday afternoons always seem to be Agonizingly prolonged.

15. You always seem to be in a hurry.

16. I always seem to be unlucky at cards.

17. The young man is always in a fluster and does not seem to be very dependable.

18. What do they always yell for?

19. What, though, if your efforts do not seem to be producing good results?

20. What contacts there are do not always bear fruit.

21. From the above, it is clear that Casement windows are more than what they seem to be

22. They will be paid for what they are good at, not what they're bad at.

23. I suspect his claims are not all they seem - he tends to exaggerate.

24. Male models are not always so vacuous as they are made out to be.

25. Adjective If you describe someone as Amoral, you do not like the way they behave because they do not seem to care whether what they do is right or wrong.

26. His plans are not what they purport to be.

27. Ailed are beautiful and amazing and smart and they always get what they want.

28. Being what they are they have not chastity.

29. Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.

30. The locusts always seem one step ahead.

31. 2 Teenagers always seem so self-absorbed.

32. They seem to be aflame already.

33. Despite where they are found, no matter what they are doing, Aggressors will always be out front Leading the Way

34. Please do not omit any details, however trivial they may seem.

35. A man may always study, but he must not always go to school what a contemptible thing is an old Abecedarian!

36. American Badgers do not always eat what they catch right away and instead store it for later

37. Such conditions always seem to go together.

38. They seem to be natural forces.

39. This is not an argument for remaining aloof; as bad as things are, they can always get worse.

40. They do not seem to be adequate to all the convolutions of gendered subjectivities, however.

41. What should we do if the waters where we are fishing do not seem productive?

42. Harried executive Played by people who keep so busy with minute details that they always seem harassed.

43. Cabochons are not drilled and they usually (but not always) have 1 flat side

44. They did not always meet with success, however.

45. They face off again, and Carlos Queiroz insisted that familiarity was not always a good thing.

46. (Proverbs 4:14; 28:7; 29:3) Always recognize such things for what they are —devices and teachings of demons.

47. What they actually do is they exacerbate income inequality, and that's not a good thing.

48. They seem to be not as strong as in the field of commercial and economic relations.

49. The most unhappy people are the ones who always undervalue what they have.

50. These two aims are not always mutually complementary: at times they conflict.

51. Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always. Mahatma Gandhi 

52. Success in primary elections, it would seem, can not simply be bought by political commercials however cunningly they are crafted.

53. I don't wish to seem ungrateful, but it's not quite what I expected.

54. Although they seem to move awkwardly, they are very fast.

55. Ideas seem valueless unless they are salable.

56. 7 Showing hospitality to “orphans and widows” does not always involve making up for what they may lack materially.

57. 7 But our cravings may not be as depraved as they seem - they start out as healthy needs in our childhood.

58. 19 Unfortunately, they have not always been mutually supportive.

59. A person who is always thinking of what other people want and is anxious not to disturb them I want to be a Considerate person who always help friends when they are in trouble.

60. They always seem intent on involvement in the situation and find pleasure and enjoyment in analyzing relationships of others.

61. They seem to be reactingto our scans, Sir.

62. But they seem to be becoming more ornery.

63. What they are doing is not considered dishonest.

64. To say that FCC oils are "food grade" makes them seem natural when they are not necessarily so.

65. Things ain't what they used to be.

66. It may seem harmless, since they are unmarried.

67. They seem so brittle they terrify me.

68. The material causal links may not always be readily perceivable, but they are there all the same.

69. There are always new projects which seem to put the reunion back further.

70. Always stress what can be seen to cohere and fit together before attending to what does not fit.

71. When people answer questions, they do not always reveal how they really feel.

72. They know they're not allowed to park there , but , contrariwise, they always do.

73. 9 Why to see bloodcurdling thing always forget to be not dropped?

74. The situation is not what they purport to be.

75. Does not seem fair.

76. Wherever I go I always seem to bump into him.

77. Why do they always want to be bosomy blondes is what I want to know.

78. They cry out in fear, because they do not know what they are seeing.

79. Here at Catchy. we are all about two things: intense flavor combinations and family! While these two things may not seem to connect at first glance, for Catchy. they are intertwined.

80. Well, one thing that animals seem to do is, they eat poo -- coprophagia.